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RDRS Banbladesh Recent Events
Our Services
Mainstream Programs and Priorities

Skills, Employment, and Entrepreneurship
RDRS inclusively focus on the young generation, to have agency, rights, skills, tools, influence, and opportunities to pursue their life goals, live a decent life, support families, and contribute to the development of their communities and the country.
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Social Empowerment
RDRS’s Social Empowerment Programme support its programme participants by strengthening RDRS’s unique CBOs, making these organisations increasingly autonomous, empowering them to advocate for their rightful access and that of the poor people in their communities to safety net provisions and basic services.
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Agriculture, Food Security and Climate Change
RDRS’ Agriculture, Food Security and Climate Change Programme work with farmer communities to increase agricultural productivity and profitability by adopting sustainable and climate-resilient agricultural practices. To achieve this, RDRS provides training to farming households to improve their technical skills in farming and confidence to access government services and resources.
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Microfinance & Employment Creation
RDRS operates its Microfinance Programme in a client-centric approach. RDRS seeks to make poor people economically self-reliant, increase their household income and assets, and therefore focus on micro, small and medium enterprise development to create employment opportunities in formal and informal sectors.
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Emergency And Humanitarian Response
RDRS’s emergency response programmes employ a community-based approach to assist communities, local governments and civil society to plan and prepare resources and infrastructure at community level to save people from natural disasters, and work for resilience building to combat climate-induced disasters. RDRS also continues humanitarian services for the Rohingya community living in the camps in Cox’s Bazar.
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